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Remember, you must be able to make good on that promise, so don’t offer anything unreasonable. Consumers are inundated with ads, so it’s vital that your ad catches the eye and immediately grabs interest. You could do this with a headline or slogan (such as VW’s “Drivers Wanted” campaign), color or layout (Target’s new colorful, simple ads are a testimony to this) or illustration (such as the Red Bull characters or Zoloft’s depressed ball and his ladybug friend). Promises Credible Benefit: To feel compelled by an ad, the consumer must stand to gain something; the product is often not enough. What would the consumer gain by using your product or service? This could be tangible, like a free gift. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart from the others.

Our Amazing Team

Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action.

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Kelly Lara

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Hola amante del buen comer y la vida nocturna. Soy Kelly Lara, experta en las experiencias más cool de la ciudad de México. Como licenciada en Administración hotelera y restaurantera de CESSA Universidad, sé como moverme en la escena de la gastronomía y darles las mejores recomendaciones de los lugares en tendencia. Pero no sólo soy una experta en comida y bebida, ¡soy una amante de la vida y de las celebraciones! Siempre estoy en busca de experiencias emocionantes y de nuevas tendencias

Mauricio Martinez

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Socio Embajador

Alejandro Perdiz Vegas

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A caffeine-dependent life form

Isak Muñoz Carrera

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Vive una vida que quisieras recordar.

Adrian Harris

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Professional procrastinator

Giovani Vargas

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Vamos por un mundo más digital.

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